Category Archives: Live progress

Fish count display

Some time ago I was reworking fishing mechanics. Biggest flaw that had to be fixed – unnatural fish depletion. Now fish slowly regenerates. To make it work, waterbodies had to be made to keep track of their fish reserves. One … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Live progress, Screenshots | 5 Comments


Been working on hotkeys for the last week: The system is hierarchical – there are top-level “Global” hotkeys that work everywhere (e.g. opening dev menu with F11), lower level hotkeys that work in the game/maped and lowest-level ones that work … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress | 3 Comments

Misty Mountains

There’s a new map being made for Alpha 10 of Knights Province. Called Misty Mountains. Giving word to map’s author Klassix: “Mainly this map is for the future multiplayer, but of course AI handles it too, but surely it won’t … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress | 2 Comments

Alpha 10 features

New features development on Alpha 10 is nearing its completion (more on that in articles end). Here I would like to list and explain features that went into it: Particle effects Smoke, dust, fire and mist effects were added to … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, News | 7 Comments

Working on render quality – Part 1 (SSAO)

Goals Ever since the beginning of Knights Province project I wanted it to be visually pleasing. Slightly cartoonish style with bright colors, semi-realistic soft lighting and shading. Ambient Occlusion (AO) is one of those shading effects that add depth and … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Live progress | 7 Comments

Where does smoke go?

One of the features I’m working on for Alpha 10 is particle effects. Those include smoke, dust, fire, mist and others. Here are some early particle tests from dev tools: Faced difficulties included writing a shader for billboard particles (so … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Tools | 6 Comments

Experimenting on house building

This week I’m experimenting with house building process. There were several ideas, simple and complicated ones. But in the end I’m aiming toward the balance between house building process that should look appealing and doable from technical and labor standpoint. … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress | 9 Comments

Bugfixing Alpha 8

It has been almost 2 weeks since Alpha 8 release. There are many bugreports and suggestions – thank you for that! Bugfixing goes on. I’m also using a nice little tool called Runner, which runs the game without display (e.g. … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 2 Comments

Skirmish equalization improved

I had some doubts about how to handle “Skirmish” setup in MapEditor. Cos there are plenty of ways for Skirmish maps to be made made “unfair” (placement of resources, dynamic script, etc..). So I thought that maybe the MapEd should … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress | 5 Comments

Terrain Triggers – another feature into Alpha 8

There’s one more feature I want to include into Alpha 8 – terrain triggers. Terrain triggers are special zones placed in MapEd, that trigger dynamic script events when a unit enters into the zone. This is very helpfull for story … Continue reading

Posted in Ideas, Live progress, Sidenotes | 13 Comments