Category Archives: Screenshots

Wagon wheels animation turning out rather nice

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Adding bridges to the game

Following periodic requests, I’ve checked and revised the decals used to place bridges in Knights Province. Usually they have been faked with “Pier” decal, but it has one unfortunate property – it’s unwalkable. Not to mention gaps between boards don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Screenshots | 2 Comments

Serf army gets more equipment

Had an inspiration for 3D modelling. Only a few ware models are missing now

Posted in Artwork, Screenshots, Sidenotes, Tools | 2 Comments

Substance Designer purchase

Thanks to monthly support from my patrons on Patreon I was able to purchase Substance Designer! SD is a tool for procedural texture generation. Those nice shingles, wooden beams, plaster and whitewashed walls, grass and lava. Guess what, instead of … Continue reading

Posted in Artwork, How things work, Screenshots, Tools | 4 Comments

Dungeon missions test

Today I got curious about what would it take to make some dungeon missions in the game. Here are the results:

Posted in Ideas, Screenshots | 5 Comments

Fish count display

Some time ago I was reworking fishing mechanics. Biggest flaw that had to be fixed – unnatural fish depletion. Now fish slowly regenerates. To make it work, waterbodies had to be made to keep track of their fish reserves. One … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Live progress, Screenshots | 5 Comments

Working on Caster unit navigation

Been working on unit navigation for Alpha 10. It is still very hard and complicated, but progress makes me happy. Made some terrain collision outlines generation code tonight:

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Did some low-poly palms for the upcoming Alpha 9:

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Sneak preview from new map in Alpha 9

Took these screens while playing challenge map in Alpha 9 – you have to survive against incoming enemy hordes, where each new wave is stronger than previous one. I’ve managed to last for ~40min: P.S. You can try out Alpha … Continue reading

Posted in Screenshots, Sidenotes | 4 Comments

Faking horses

Alpha 8 is mostly ready. I’d guess it will take another week or two before it’s released. Now I’m looking into making some final touches to it. For example until there are proper designs and models for mounted units – … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Screenshots | 17 Comments