Category Archives: Sidenotes

Wagon wheels animation turning out rather nice

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Serf army gets more equipment

Had an inspiration for 3D modelling. Only a few ware models are missing now

Posted in Artwork, Screenshots, Sidenotes, Tools | 2 Comments

Player scores

Knights Province has got one more neat feature provided by the Knights Tavern – Player Scores!Now you can compare your single-player skills with other players. Scores are calculated by the following formula: Each mission has a ranking mode (min time, … Continue reading

Posted in Sidenotes | 2 Comments

Players list

Alpha 11 release is coming soon and I’m not adding any big changes to the game to not cause any new bugs. I’m getting less and less crashreports, which is a good sign of version becoming stable. To keep myself … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 4 Comments

Small conveniences

In the next wip build, settings location will change from games folder to “My Documents\My Games\Knights Province”. According to GDSE, this is the most popular location games save their data to. This way settings wont reset each time you download … Continue reading

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How to access developers menu in the game

Pressing F11 once will show the menu on top and the status bar below. Pressing F11 second time will open a right-side panel with more developers controls. Pressing F11 again will hide the menus. For gameplay convenience cheatcodes work only … Continue reading

Posted in Sidenotes | 1 Comment

New things in recent Alpha 11 wip builds

Alpha 11 is still in works, but I wanted to share a couple of new interesting things about it. Firstly, there is a new map made by Klassix that takes advantage of new game features and dynamic script commands. Namely … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, News, Sidenotes | 2 Comments

Refactoring Neutral hand and alliances

Making AI to attack neutral aggressive animals (and their dens) proved to be more complicated than I thought. Why is that? Existing AI attacks work quite simple – AI has a list of attacks it needs to run at certain … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Sidenotes | 5 Comments


Did some low-poly palms for the upcoming Alpha 9:

Posted in Screenshots, Sidenotes | 1 Comment

Alpha 9 wip versions

I’m still working on wrapping up features/bugfixes for Alpha 9. Last big feature that needs to be done before Alpha 9 release – AI troop management between defence/offence positions. It’s proven to be one of the greater AI flaw so … Continue reading

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