Category Archives: News

2018 Christmas/NewYear mini-competition results

Mini-competition is over and I’m happy to announce the results! We have 5 maps in the competition: “Hodor” by Thibmo “Longfingers Legacy” by Klassix “Winter Stand” by Krom “Xmas Tree Combat” by DarkianMaker “Man Versus Man Versus Beast” by Eduardo … Continue reading

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2018 Christmas/NewYear mapmakers mini-competition

Due to lack of time and small number of maps sent in, competition is prolonged till next week – 30 Dec! Winter is coming along with Alpha 10 of the Knights Province! Let’s celebrate this with a competition! Task is … Continue reading

Posted in Events, News | 3 Comments

Alpha 10 nearing its release

Alpha 10 is going out of “work in progress” stage. Now its features are mostly done and last bugs are being ironed out. Come by and take a stab at it in “Knights Province” Discord channel. Feedback is welcome!

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Alpha 10 enters wip stage

Alpha 10 is entering “work in progress” stage, where it has its features mostly done. This stage usually runs for several months while I’m polishing features (and adding smaller new ones). Come by and take a stab at it in … Continue reading

Posted in Downloads, News | 8 Comments

Alpha 10 features

New features development on Alpha 10 is nearing its completion (more on that in articles end). Here I would like to list and explain features that went into it: Particle effects Smoke, dust, fire and mist effects were added to … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, News | 7 Comments

Knights Province on Patreon

I’ve finally set up Patreon page for Knights Province! Patreon is a site that allows to collect monthly donations to support and sponsor projects and people. I’ve been asked a lot about setting up donations for the Knights Province. Finally … Continue reading

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Alpha 9 is ready!

I’m happy to announce new Alpha of the game! Alpha 9 changes and improvements: Three major gameplay mechanics (described in detail in earlier article): Wildlife (aggressive animals and dens) Early army (militia can be trained in Camp) Morale to affect … Continue reading

Posted in Downloads, News | 24 Comments

Alpha 9 features

Alpha 9 will have the following major features: Aggressive animals Early army Warriors morale Let’s see how they work! Aggressive animals Wolves, bears and boars will now attack all nearby units within some range. Wolves and Bears also got special … Continue reading

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Discord server for the Knights Province

I’ve been asked about making a Discord server for the Knights Province. So here it is: Feel free to come in and say Hi! 🙂

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Alpha 9 plans

I’m planning following major features for Alpha 9: aggressive animals (e.g. boars, wolves, bears) early army to fight those animals (e.g. militia hireable from School) warriors morale to prevent rushes (e.g. militia in enemy town is weakened by a factor … Continue reading

Posted in Ideas, News, Sidenotes | 22 Comments