Category Archives: News

Alpha 11 news

Alpha 11 is nearing its completion and is looking for beta-testers. It is the most worked-on version of the Knights Province yet (except for Alpha 1, of course). Last release was 7255 and this one is going to be at … Continue reading

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Knights Tavern news

Knights Province Alpha 11 is going to be ready soon and it’s time to talk about one more unique feature that it is going to have: Knights Tavern! Knights Tavern (KT for short) is a codename for the accounts server … Continue reading

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Knights Province has got an updated logo

Preparing to Alpha 11 release, the game has got an updated logo

Posted in Artwork, News | 1 Comment

Campaign improvements

Campaign menu is one of the menus that received the least attention during Alpha development so far. Why is that? Well, it’s not as important as the main game or map editor – it’s rarely used and serves a small … Continue reading

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Cinematic controls

Cinematic controls are being added to the Knights Province. These are commands that allow to block the player input, do the fade out to black, move the camera and change its setup, fade in from black at new location and … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, News | 2 Comments

New things in recent Alpha 11 wip builds

Alpha 11 is still in works, but I wanted to share a couple of new interesting things about it. Firstly, there is a new map made by Klassix that takes advantage of new game features and dynamic script commands. Namely … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, News, Sidenotes | 2 Comments

Knights Province got a Steam page

I’m really excited to have Knights Province Steam page registered! It took a while, but finally it’s there. So far only a page. There’s no known release date and no “Early Access” there yet (you know where it is ;-)). … Continue reading

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More player choice comes to missions in Alpha 11

A long ago requested feature from mapmakers and player is to have a choice in missions. It is coming to Knights Province Alpha 11. With this new feature missions can ask player in a convenient way to make some choice. … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Live progress, News | 8 Comments

Alpha 10.1

Alpha 10.1 is out. It features following bugfixes: Fixed mission save warning message text in MapEd being clipped (and having duplicate lines) Fixed repeating objects near borders when resizing a map Fixed popup message shown when replays has ended Fixed … Continue reading

Posted in Downloads, News | 21 Comments

Alpha 10 is ready

What’s new in Alpha 10: Particle effects (smoke for houses work, smoke for damaged houses, dust effects for plans placement and for house destruction, emitters that could be placed on terrain in MapEd (e.g. mist). SSAO (aka prettier lighting) New … Continue reading

Posted in Downloads, News | 26 Comments