Category Archives: Artwork

Greek localization underway

Decided to take a small detour from major Alpha 13 features (separate post on that matter is coming later). New localization is being added into the game (credits to Absinthe for translations): Game font used on buttons and big captions … Continue reading

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Serf army gets more equipment

Had an inspiration for 3D modelling. Only a few ware models are missing now

Posted in Artwork, Screenshots, Sidenotes, Tools | 2 Comments

Substance Designer purchase

Thanks to monthly support from my patrons on Patreon I was able to purchase Substance Designer! SD is a tool for procedural texture generation. Those nice shingles, wooden beams, plaster and whitewashed walls, grass and lava. Guess what, instead of … Continue reading

Posted in Artwork, How things work, Screenshots, Tools | 4 Comments

Knights Province has got an updated logo

Preparing to Alpha 11 release, the game has got an updated logo

Posted in Artwork, News | 1 Comment

Warriors got icons

Spent today’s morning making missing icons for warriors: Citizen icons got tweaked a bit too. Shoulders got wider and pose became bit more self-confident.

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 2 Comments

Live Progress #35 – Unit icons

Another day and another small advancement. Today I felt like doing some drawing. Did a bunch of on unit icons to be used in statistics, house info and map editor menus: As you can see before that it was quite … Continue reading

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 21 Comments

Houses sketches

These are sketches of Knights Province houses. This sheet is composed of many (but not all) wip houses. Many houses are still missing. You may note that several houses are made by different artists, even more, some are duplicate because … Continue reading

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 17 Comments

Fooling around

Was fooling around the other weekend and over-painted this jolly Baker:

Posted in Artwork, Sidenotes | 5 Comments

Fishermans house sketch

This is a new fishermans house sketch. Fishermans house has a few key elements. Firstly there’s a beloved boat, with which fisherman just can not part. Maybe an oar will appear next to it. The house itself is built on … Continue reading

Posted in Artwork | 6 Comments

Tavern wip

I did not show you the Tavern art yet, right?

Posted in Artwork, Live progress | 6 Comments