Category Archives: Sidenotes

Sneak preview from new map in Alpha 9

Took these screens while playing challenge map in Alpha 9 – you have to survive against incoming enemy hordes, where each new wave is stronger than previous one. I’ve managed to last for ~40min: P.S. You can try out Alpha … Continue reading

Posted in Screenshots, Sidenotes | 4 Comments

Discord server for the Knights Province

I’ve been asked about making a Discord server for the Knights Province. So here it is: Feel free to come in and say Hi! 🙂

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Suddenly all site links got broken and started leading to an empty page with lone “No SKU!” text. I was afraid site got hacked. An hour of troubleshooting lead to the solution – Just go to Settings-Permalinks and hit “Save … Continue reading

Posted in Sidenotes | 2 Comments

Fixing Delphi project compilation time

TL;DR: When compilation time goes out of hand – prune “uses” sections. Over the time the game`s EXE compilation time grew longer and longer. Today it clocked at 70sec! Of course codebase has also increased (~350kLoc now), but still it … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Sidenotes | 1 Comment

Alpha 9 plans

I’m planning following major features for Alpha 9: aggressive animals (e.g. boars, wolves, bears) early army to fight those animals (e.g. militia hireable from School) warriors morale to prevent rushes (e.g. militia in enemy town is weakened by a factor … Continue reading

Posted in Ideas, News, Sidenotes | 22 Comments

Bugfixing Alpha 8

It has been almost 2 weeks since Alpha 8 release. There are many bugreports and suggestions – thank you for that! Bugfixing goes on. I’m also using a nice little tool called Runner, which runs the game without display (e.g. … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 2 Comments

A dozen of ways to loose a unit

I’ve been categorizing and refactoring unit deaths in the game. Made this comment block in the code. Might be interesting for you to see it too: // Killing of a unit is done in 4 big steps // 1. KillUnit … Continue reading

Posted in How things work, Sidenotes | Leave a comment

Terrain Triggers – another feature into Alpha 8

There’s one more feature I want to include into Alpha 8 – terrain triggers. Terrain triggers are special zones placed in MapEd, that trigger dynamic script events when a unit enters into the zone. This is very helpfull for story … Continue reading

Posted in Ideas, Live progress, Sidenotes | 13 Comments

All notifications together

Made these notifications and updated the games’ code to show them in appropriate situations:

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 5 Comments

GUI improvements

The game’s GUI just got nicer with new “fade in” and “fade out” animations. They are short and subtle, but make the menu hints appear much nicer. Fort and Barracks UI got improved and now looks alike School’s: I also … Continue reading

Posted in Live progress, Sidenotes | 2 Comments