Player scores

Knights Province has got one more neat feature provided by the Knights Tavern – Player Scores!
Now you can compare your single-player skills with other players.

Scores are calculated by the following formula:

  • Each mission has a ranking mode (min time, max time, best score)
  • Each mission also has a scoring multiplier (some missions give out only 50% of the points and some 200%. Percentage is configurable in KT depending on the missions difficulty)
  • Some missions are excluded from the scoring (e.g. “Alpha 1”, since it is a development mission, not a real one. “Town Tutorial” is also excluded, since it’s very easy to “win”)
  • For each mission a player has played his place is identified
  • Points awarding system is then applied. It is made after Formula 1, but with a bias towards first 3 places. Places get the following number of points: 10, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 

The system is not final, but for now it produces rather good results.

The system is not final, but for now it produces rather good results. As usual, test version (r9018) can be downloaded and tried out from Discord ( With that change I’m hoping Alpha 11 is ready to be released in a week or so.

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2 Responses to Player scores

  1. sean says:

    thanks for keeping up the good work

  2. TCTS Studios says:

    let there be a date in which you hire 3d Developers and 3d Designers in Q4 2020

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